So, here is the deal. We want the website to be interesting and interesting means great content – and a bit of fun. So, use the Contact page to send in your odd find (please send two pictures of the same system taken at slightly different angles). Our very strong preference is that you take a selfie in front of the system you are sharing – hey, we’d like to meet ya. Photo shy, well, include your helper. No helper today, ok, send what ya got.
We’ll pick and choose and post pictures: we’ll be sure to let ya know if we post yours. The most curious ones, we’ll get in touch with ya and get some info about the project, how it turned out, some “after” pix, and write up your project on our blog House Calls. We’ll also link to your site to help your Internet search results (seems that is how it works).
The fine print. We reserve the right to use/post or not pictures that are sent in. By sending in a picture you certify that you have taken this picture and it is not some random picture you found on the Internet (and is likely copyright protected). We may award swag now and then, based on our own opinion. We will not use the picture elsewhere (other than the Rogue’s Gallery) without your permission. The intent for the subject matter of the picture is some part of a system you are working on that is odd.
Send them in. We know you’ve got em’. If we end up posting a pix of something you once upon a time worked on, well, all in good fun.